I don't know if you remember but last March I attempted a new
hobby. Well between school, my lack of patients and total frustration it took the back seat for awhile. I knew that I really wanted to get into yarn crafts, but more importantly I understood that I wouldn't be able to learn everything from a book. I really needed to see some of the stuff done first hand to do it correctly and wrap my head around it. So this Thursday I am taking a knitting class. I am so frigid excited about it. I decided to put the crocheting on hold for awhile and will hopefully pick it up again come spring. But for the time being I wanted to focus on knitting because I dream of making lovely hats, scarfs and maybe even some day sweaters! And all of that just screams perfect for fall and winter.
I have been relatively lucky when it has come to gathering supplies for my new ambitions. I got all of my Grandma's craft stuff when she passed away. She had lots of yarn and some needles and hooks. She mainly crocheted however. I also have a friend who also wanted to learn how to knit and hated it. This was quite lucky for me because she gave me all of the books she had bought and he knitting supplies. So it seems to me that I am pretty set. I know that starting out I won’t need anything fancy yarn wise. I will probably just use up some of the stuff that I have in my boxes. As I improve I can get nicer yarn.
As I have said before, I spend a lot of time exploring others blogs. This has given me the opportunity to see other people who have learned how to knit and their progress. It has really helped me believe that this is a possible goal for me to have. I discovered
Ravelry and have a ton of projects saved on there for when I actually get to that skill level. I am fully aware that some of them might a long time away from being created.
It will be nice to have something else to do to pass my free time I have until I start school again. Having 5 days off a week can get pretty boring. Learning to knit will be a nice hobby to help me pass the time as well as to have something to do since Blazer season is starting back up. I love the Blazers but I cannot watch 4 games a week. I am also trying to make some Christmas stockings for Ryan and me. I really hope that they turn out. I will post some pictures when I actually make progress. Right now I just have the pattern picked out. I still have to go pick out and purchase the fabric. I'm hoping to go this week when it isn't so crowded at JoAnn's. I can also use a 50% off coupon there. It will probably take me a couple weeks to buy all the fabric so I can us a coupon each time. I'm all about saving money.
ps- did you notice that I figured out how to put links in my text? I have seen it in other blogs and now can do it! Yeah me!!