
Christmas and Snow

Christmas has come and gone. And I have to say that I am happy that it's over. This year was even more crazy than most because of the weird weather that we had, but I will talk more about that later. It was insanely hard getting through Christmas with out my grandparents being there. I noticed it the most when I would be doing things that somehow involved them in the past. Like baking cookies was always something that my mom and I did with my grandma. Or putting up the angel on the tree that I made when I was in pre-school that my grandparents kept all these years and made my mom promise that she would put it on the tree still once my grandparents were gone. Not having them to call on Christmas morning or have dinner with that night. But I the thing that I tried most to focus on was the memories that I had and what I could do to carry their memory on. Because that is what keeps them with me. Ok, on a happier note I got some pretty cool gifts. My favorites were:
  • my GPS. She needs a name. I was calling her Lola, but that is what I named my mom's GPS. Maybe mine needs a new name. She currently has a British accent.
  • my leather riding boots
  • the recipe binder that my mom got me for the cookbook I'm making of my grandma's recipes
  • The last 2 Twilight books
Now onto the snow. What the heck happened! It is NOT supposed to snow that much in Portland. I dislike the snow now that I have a job that I have to go to no matter how bad the weather is. That's the crappy part about working in health care, people don't ever stop being sick or injured...no matter what the weather is like. I was fine with the snow, I've got chains and four wheel drive on the explorer. It's just that once the ice hits you can't do anything to make you a better driver. You are just stuck with whatever happens. I have to say that I don't think that I have ever seen so much snow in Portland in my entire life. It was insane. I was so sick of it. Snow becomes work. I had to shovel so much. That is one thing that is nice about the rain, you don't have to shovel it. I also became bored out of my mind on my day's off. I was supposed to fly to Bend to see my parents there, but my flight got cancelled. So I had a couple extra days to sit around. Relaxing becomes boring fast. Thank goodness that I never lost power. Here are a couple of pictures to show you the snow accumulation.
This was the first day of snow. It was pretty and made me a little happy.

This was one week later. Sorry if it's a little blurry, it was so cold out that the shutter on my camera was having trouble closing.

1 comment:

Karla said...

I hear ya on so many levels. I hated these holidays and missed my dad so much. I am glad they are over. Ditto on the snow also. That stuff was crap!