
Baby shower gift

Ryan's sister Heidi is pregnant with twins and is having a baby shower. I decided to try to make her something a little special to hold some of her presents in and this is what I came up with.

This last picture is my favorite part of the basket. I made little diapers to hold the socks in. The socks are so tiny! I cannot even begin to tell you how hard it was to find those diaper pins. I searched so many stores and wound up only finding them at two places: Jo Ann's and Babies R Us. The ones at BRU were much cuter and cheaper. In case you couldn't tell Heidi is having a girl and a boy. This made for a bit of a challenge when making the basket. It was difficult finding cute unisex fabric. I noticed that even if the fabric was in neutral colors it tended to be meant for more of a boy or girl. At one point I almost just made two baskets because I couldn't find any decent fabric.
I filled the basket with basic baby items in pink and blue. Ryan and I had a hard time deciding what to get and went with basics because no matter what they need it. We also have a few more things that couldn't fit in the basket.
What I should have added was the pictures of the blisters on my hands from the hot glue gun. That thing is a deadly weapon! The flaps that are hanging with the diapers on them are made out of four cardboard cutouts (two for each side) that I hot glued batting on then covered in fabric. Next I took lace trim and glued that around the edge and sandwiched two of the pieces together. Thus creating two flaps. Most of my burns came from my own stupidity. I would see the glue smoosh out of something and I would try to wipe it out with my finger. Not so smart :-/
I have to say that I'm glad that this is done. Mainly because it's been taking up alot of room. It was fun to make and I got to learn alot of new crafty things. My mom was a huge help, especially with the sewing the diapers. I still can't sew very well so she came to my rescue. She was also my extra hands that I needed to press things down. Yay for mom! So I hope that Heidi likes her present. I know you might wonder why I am posting the pictures if I haven't given it to her yet. Well, I'm pretty confident that she doesn't read my blog. So I'm safe.


My new distraction

One of my new year's resolutions was to become more crafty. And guess what...I'm doing it! This is what has been keeping me distracted from my many important things in life

It is crocheting. And let me tell you I am not very good at it yet. I've been at it for about a week. I have been learning from different web pages and youtube videos. This is what I have accomplished in a little under a week.

Not so impressive. But I'm trying and I'm gonna keep at it!

Twilight the Movie!

I have learned to love and get excited about the small things in life. New socks, cup cakes, sunny days and Twilight! The Twilight movie came out on DVD this last Saturday. I was so excited that when I got off work I drove out to Target and bought the 3 disk special edition.

I saw it in the theater twice, once when it first came out back in November. Then last Tuesday at the Kennedy School. The first time I saw it I was really disappointed in it. The second time I really enjoyed it. I think it was because I no longer had expectations for it. I could just relax and enjoy it. I need to remember this for when New Moon comes out. Also, thank you to Ryan for going with me both times.
I still haven't watched the movie on DVD. I have been to engrossed in all the extras. I'm not sure when I will watch it. But it will be soon.
Sadly, I know what I dork I am for loving this so much. But you know what I chose to embrace my inner dork. I'm adorkable!

For Julie

I was checking my email after my yummy steak dinner (note: BBQ in the rain, not so fun. But yummy steak, so worth it) and got a email from my friend Julie. She told me that she would like me to write a blog. Man, I guess I'm slacking since I'm the person always asking people to post a new blog. So Julie I will leave you with not just one, not two but THREE blogs! Enjoy.

I wish that I could say that I have been up to super exciting things, but as always I'm oh so boring. I have been studying for finals. Which has made me grumpy. But a girls got to do what a girls got to do. When I haven't been studying I have been being a total blog stalker. It's really becoming a problem. I can spend hours jumping from blog to blog reading. The sad thing is that I don't even know half the people who write these blogs. But I have found them from links, websites, other blogs, etc and have become addicted. Which leads me to my next thought...can they see that I am reading there blogs? If so do I totally freak them out? If they do know that I am stalking there blog I hope they know it is because it is so truly wonderful! Most of the blogs I have been reading have been crafty things. Ideas, patterns and such getting me motivated for my own craft adventures.

My weekend was pretty uneventful. But that tends to happen when you work from 7am-7:30pm. Work was eventful, as it seems to mostly be. I have to say that is one good thing about nursing, no two days will ever be the same. That is what I love about it.

I have been lusting after Julie's new Le Creuset french oven. It's is so pretty and I want one! But I will have to wait. And just enjoy my Le Creuset stock pot that Ryan and I bought last week. When were were at Sur la Table paying for it they told us if we spent $10 more we could sign up for their cooking classes buy one get one free. Ryan and I have been wanting to take one for along time so we jumped on it. We signed up for the Mexican cooking. It will be something new for our culinary skills.

Julie also asked me which SATC character I was most like and that really got me thinking. First that I need to watch that show again, it's been awhile since I've watched my DVDs. Second, that I really have no clue who I am most like. I know that I'm NOT a Samantha. I think that I'm a Carrie/Charlotte mix. With a dash of Marinda's cynicism, but nearly as intense. I really wish that I was more like Charlotte. She is so pulled together all the time. I really wish that I could be like that.

I also have a new pet peeve. Co-workers, classmates, and instructors who insist on calling the male and female genitalia by ridiculous names. Names like hoo hoo, vajay jay, pee pee, winker, etc. People we are health care PROFESSIONALS!!! Come one we can call them by what they really are a penis and vagina. It drive me nuts. I cringe every time I hear someone say that. Ugh!!


Upon further investigation

Today after work I went to Michael's. What better way to embrace trying to be crafty than by going to a craft store. I wanted to look at some cross stitching stuff. Upon further investigation I have decided that the classic cross stitching is not quite what I had in mind to do. While I do have great respect for the amount of time that it takes to do those patterns, it's just not quite my style. I want to do something more whimsy and I don't know...free spirited. I guess what I want to do is more embroidery. I think that the book that I ordered from Amazon will be just what I want to do. I have a few ideas that once I get the hang of stitching that I will try to trace on or freehand. But I got to get kinda good fast in order to do pull my ideas off. I did wind up leaving Michael's with some stuff for the baby shower gift I am making for Heidi (I will post pictures when it's all done) and some embroidery floss and needles.

It makes me sad that I don't have enough time to do everything that I want to do with all of my new craft ideas. So what I am doing is making a folder of craft ideas. I have like over 200 ideas saved in my favorites on my laptop. It is really making me sad that they discontinued Google notebook, which a friend recently told me to try out because it would be perfect to store all of my ideas. Anyone know of anything that is like Google notebook? I can't wait for school to be done so I can have a life again!

Ok, I am off to study, cook dinner and do laundry. Perhaps not in that order. Probably more like all at the same time. Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend.

ps- once again another post with out being the new flashing type I was hoping to start doing :-(


Blog Envy

So I'm a secret blog stalker. I will look at blogs my friends follow, random blogs I find online, and celebrity blogs. I waste a TON of time reading blogs. But I will say this, lately I have had total blog envy reading some of these blogs. They are so creative, written well, have beautiful pictures with like every post, and are updated at least weekly (some several times a week).

I feel so inadequate. I need to work on the quality of blogs. Note: this blog will not be the start of the amazing new and improved blog. But maybe when I get some more time I can make beautiful blogs. I will make an attempt to work on the quality of my blog entries.

I have also decided that I really want to become more crafty. This was one of my new years resolutions. I have been looking at lots of craft blogs lately for ideas. I want to learn to cross stitch and knit. I need to embrace my enter geriatric...that along with my going to bed at 9pm every night makes me golden. Gosh, I'm sad. But I have found some lovely ideas for gifts as well as for things I'd like to have in my own home. I have found a few books that I think I might buy that teaches you with some basic beginner ideas. These books were recommended to me by a friend who recently became OBSESSED with cross stitching. She has made some fantastic things! I'm also envious of her talent. I think I might see if I can find these books at the library to save some money. But if not I will try to find them used at Amazon or Powell's.

I'm also super excited about a new t-shirt I found online. It has one of my favorite sayings on it, that has become so much more relevant to me lately. When I get it I will post a picture of me wearing it.


Dear Karla,

Well, since I know that you are like one of the 3 people that read my blog I have decided to take this time to get your attention. You have not posted a blog since January 18. This is a very long time. I am slightly upset that you do not find in necessary to take the time to update your friends on your oh so exciting life. I mean you are having a new baby, Marina is Sasha Fierce, and COME ON!!!! I don't ask for much. Just a few measly blog posts a month.

Thank you for your time.

Your Friend,

PS- Try the Philosophy. I highly recommend it as of my week of usage
PPS- Did you finish the Twilight books yet?

Chasing Harry Winston Review

Last night I finished reading Chasing Harry Winston by Lauren Weisberger. I really enjoyed reading this book. The book is obviously chick lit and nothing very deep. But to tell you the truth I enjoy reading fluff books right now. There is to much stress going on in the world and life in general. It is nice to be able to unwind it a lighthearted book.

The book is told from 3 characters point of view, which I was unsure about at first. I have found in past books that I often find books that have multiple points of view can be confusing and leave you wanting more. That they don't give you enough out of each character. This book didn't do it. Weisberger seamlessly transitioned from each character and incorporated them all together. Leigh, Emmy and Adriana all feel like people that you could have already as a friend. They are believable characters and more importantly you want to be part of the world. Which keeps you coming back each day to read more.

Each character holds their own. They are each individual and unique. Emmy works at a restaurant and travels the world seeking new ideas for it. Leigh is an editor for a major publishing company. And Adriana, well she is a lovable socialite type. All 3 girls are approaching 30 and are seeking an engagement ring. This book is the story of their adventures and quests for love.

The Clarisonic

After 10 years of using the same facial products I have made a change. First and foremost I got a Clarisonic facial system. I have been coveting on of these for a couple years, but they have been to expensive. Well, Ryan surprised me and bought me one last week. I was so excited! I know that it will take a few months to truly see the results, but so far I have to say that I am very impressed. The only thing that I don't like is that it has made my skin more oily. But this is an expected side effect for the first couple of months because the system is purging the oil and impurities from your skin. It has to come out at some time. But really it isn't to bad. I can't even begin to tell you how soft my skin feels. I notice it the most when I have makeup on, because the the makeup lies so much better on my skin.

I have also changed the cleanser that I use. Since I was 16 I have been using the Clinique 3 step face care. It's a tried and true product. And to tell you the truth I still think that it is a good product. But the thing that I didn't like is that recently they have changed the medium of the facial cleanser. It went from a solid cleaner (bar form) to a liquid medium. Since the change I just don't feel that I get the same "clean" feeling from the cleanser. I have noticed when I use the toner that it takes about 4 cotton balls to get them to wipe away clean with no makeup. This was frustrating to me. So I began my research to find a new cleanser.

My search led me to Philosophy Purity. The first time I used it was magic! My face felt so clean without feeling dried out. Plus it didn't have a makeup residue on it. It is a little more expensive than the Clinique but I'm hoping it will be worth it. I will have to use the new products for a couple of months before I can know for sure. But so far I am pleased.